Estimate prices of the Products are shown on the Site and may vary when you place an order depending on the availability of a chosen artist and place of delivery. You will be asked to confirm the full order price at the time your order is accepted by us. The price of the Product does not include expedited shipping, express service, framing of the painting, photo compilation, video of how your painting was created or other costs or additional services we may provide.
To place an order, you will need to pay an advance of 20% of a full order price. We will further contact you via the email you indicated when placing an order to obtain your approval of the online proofing of your painting. Upon your approval, you will be requested to complete the order and to make a final payment, including charges that may be calculated in addition to the price of the Products depending on the shipment option and additional services you may have requested or, at your sole discretion, any additional amount you would like an artist to receive as a reward for his/her work. It is your responsibility to make sure that a valid e-mail address for contacting you is submitted to us, as we might be unable to complete the order without additional information or confirmations to be provided by you after placing the order.
You have a right to request a refund of 20% prepayment within 60 (sixty) days from the moment you placed the order. If you fail to do so, 20% payment made when placing the order will not be refundable.
We reserve the right, to refuse or cancel Your order, in whole or in part, without liability to You, at any time at Our sole and exclusive discretion, including without limitation for reasons relating to or originating in errors, public interest and/or Company’s values and standards.
You can only pay for Products using a debit card or credit card or other payment method via the third party payment service provider that we make available for you to use via our Site.
Payment for the Products and all applicable delivery charges are due in US Dollars or other currency option we expressly state in our Site to be acceptable by us. Any currency conversions shall be carried out by your own bank at your cost.